Bally’s Chicago Temporary Casino Welcomes 83K Guests, Wins $7.6M in First Full Month

Bally’s Chicago Temporary Casino Welcomes 83K Guests, Wins $7.6M in First Full Month

Please note the following sentence quoted from the above story regarding the source of the monthly casino revenue: "Bally’s Chicago won about $245,446 on its casino floor each day in October." Now please consider the following details -- Bally's anticipates enjoying even more skyrocketing casino revenue following the planned 2026 grand opening of their $1.7B permanent flagship casino hotel resort in Chicago. 500 hotel rooms are presently planned for the new Bally's destination resort. An important factor in generating that forecasted future revenue will include retaining return customers that enjoy both the brand-new Bally's hotel facilities as well as that fabulous brand-new casino. The hotel will get only one chance to make that first impression with each new customer. Back to present day, ask Bally's current hotel guests if they are genuinely happy with their most recent visits to the many Bally's casino/hotel properties nationwide. Read the most recent online reviews for those Bally's casino hotel properties posted in just the past 90 days. Now ask those same casino patrons how soon they plan to return. Are they telling their friends "That was sure a great time at Bally's last weekend! I enjoyed every minute. Let's go back there as soon as we can!" You won't really be sure if you don't take the time to actually look at those very recent reviews and get that current pulse check of what is going on right now. Maybe repeating the same actions over and over again while expecting different results will not contribute to the future skyrocketing casino revenue that is being hoped for in Chicago.