Local opinion of Gulfside on social media is STRONGLY negative. It can’t get much lower.I've been going through Facebook posts from various pages, searching "Gulfside." So far, I've looked at posts on The Courier, KARK, RVN, Sass The Beard and others.I am collating many of the comments.In my view, it would be politically unwise for any JP to vote for a resolution supporting Gulfside.For the seven who voted for the resolution supporting Cherokee Nation Entertainment, it would be a vote to void the economic development agreement between Pope County and Cherokee Nation Businesses.For the six who have been against supporting a casino, it would be telling their constituents, "Oh, never mind what I told you before. I support the casino partnership that has been disingenuous in what they have said to the Racing Commission. Disregard my professed beliefs about casinos."Justice Scott should withdraw his resolution. If he summits the resolution with a motion to pass it, other justices should decline to second it and let it die for lack of a second.If it gets a second and is presented for a vote, the remaining justices should either vote against it or abstain.I have extensively researched the early gaming careers of Gulfside Partners Terry Green and Ric Carter. I DO NOT want Gulfside in Russellville and Pope County.